Felting workshops in Oregon and Washington - complete list of teachers


Looking for felting classes in Oregon or Washington? Felting workshops can be hard to find, so I compiled a list of teachers and art centers who frequently host classes.


Portland Area

LeBrie Rich (Portland, Oregon)
Hey, that’s me! Since I am currently living in Amsterdam, I am teaching online only. Read on for more in-person events in Oregon and Washington. And if you have a tip about someone to add to this list, email me.

Wildcraft Studio School is a handcraft school that offers one or two classes per term. These are typically wet felting classes like Sculptural Wet Felting and Animal Friendly, Felted Sheepskins.

Greater Oregon

Tylar Merrill (Eugene, OR)
Tylar teaches workshops out of her studio Thimbleberry Designs. She’s a master wet felter and is especially known for her nuno felting and garment classes.

Audrey Comerford (Albany/Salem area)
Audrey teaches needle felting classes for beginners under the name Wee Woolies Fiber Arts.

Anne Marie Cole (Corvallis/Junction City area)
Anne Marie is a Waldorf kindergarten teacher who periodically teaches classes to adults (mostly needle felted gnomes/fairies) at the Monroe Arts Association.

Karen Szewc (Eagle Point, OR)
Karen teaches needle felting workshops at her Southern Oregon farm, Liongate Farm. She also hosts crafting meetups most Mondays - check her instagram for updates.


Pacific NW Arts School (Whidbey Island, WA)
PNW Arts School offers a handful of felting workshops each season. Usually large-scale wet felting classes taught by visiting artists.

Flóra Carlile-Kovács (Seattle, WA)
Flóra teaches wet felting workshops throughout the year in various art centers and fiber festivals. She also leads felting workshop tours in Hungary.

Field tripLeBrie Rich